Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pay Per Click Advertising; A Brief Introductory Guide

Anyone who is involved in online business will recognise the importance of increasing traffic to a website. More traffic means more visitors and hence an increased chance of making sales. The result is more trade and hence more profit. In general there are two methods in which to do the process of changing the make up of a website so that it ranks higher in search engines, one of these is organic search engine optimisation, this.

The other method of increasing traffic is through pay per click advertising. Pay per click advertising is extremely popular, in fact whenever we use the internet we are exposed to it. The majority of search engines support pay per click advertising, for those in the know these are usually the links on the results page that appear at the very top or along the right hand side. It is not just on search engine results pages however where pay per click advertising can appear. Adverts appear on thousands of high traffic sights all over the web. Without search engines however it is doubtful that pay per click advertising would be as profitable, even perhaps in existence.

Whenever you type something into a search engine, termed as a search query you are presented with a list of links that take you to relevant websites. Typically the top two or three and the links down the side of the page are pay per click adverts. Search engines such as Google offer anyone who wishes to utilise pay per click the chance to do so with Adwords and Adsense programmes. In order to place a pay per click advert the first step is to find a suitable list of keywords that customers are likely to type into the search engines when searching for your products or services. These keywords are then submitted to search engines to be part of the pay per click advertising structure. In many cases no charge is required for placing the advert but instead a fee is paid each time the link is followed.

As with many things in life, the clue is in the name. The fees applicable depend greatly upon the popularity of the search query. For wicker chairs, a term such as insurance is likely to cost much more for each click than say, instance. Selecting the keywords for your pay per click campaign requires a great deal of consideration. Many may be inclined to advertise for queries such as Britney Spears or golf as these are excessively searched for every if a visitor comes to your website expecting to see items pertaining to golf they are likely to be disappointed if they do not find them, however remember that the point of PPC is to attract worthwhile traffic, day.

The result is that you have wasted the money spent on the click. Above all the words you choose should be relevant to your business and the products or services you sell. It is not just the keywords however. Designing the adverts is also an essential part of a pay per click campaign. As your link will be presented with many others it is important that they are written in a way that is enticing, if you create boring and uninteresting adverts it is unlikely that you will receive the desired levels of traffic.

Keep the adverts short and punchy, by doing this more people will follow the link. Hopefully this article has given a brief introduction to the process of pay per click advertising. It is no way intended to be an all encompassing reference point but instead an introductory guide to PPC. The ultimate objective has been to highlight the worth of this type of advertising and how it can reap benefits in terms of increased trade and higher levels of profitability.

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